Omaha Zoo!

I know I am REALLY behind in blogging. Life has been so busy lately and I just haven't had the time. But I promise you are in for a treat with the next few posts!!

2 weeks ago my friend Michelle and I loaded up her van with her daughter Maddie, Jules and Mary and headed west to the Omaha Zoo. And of course we would pick one of the hottest days of the summer to go, but it was still fun and the girls had a blast!

After the Zoo we headed to Whole Foods for dinner and to stock up on some groceries. Can I use my blog as a forum to get a Whole Foods here in Des Moines?!?! Oh my word I am in love every time I step into one. And their hot food!?!? Unbelievable. Heaven. I think I may have talked Drew into taking me there once a month just to stock up and eat an amazing dinner!! :)

Anywho - enjoy the pics from the zoo (Mom and Aunt Lauren). :)

Too Sweet. All of the girls got along really well that day. So nice. :)
This was right before we saw all of the b.a.t.s. Good thing Drew wasn't with us. Did I mention in one exhibit, they were flyring around NOT FUN!
White alligator. Jules was not a fan.
The butterfly exhibit was amazing and beautiful!

We had so much fun at the Penguin Exhibit. One was really taken with Mary and kept swimming back to see her. It was awesome!

The aquarium is alway my favorite!

These girls cracked me up all day long!

It was H.O.T. And every place to get something cold to drink or eat was closed by 3:00. Hello! Needless to say we were frustrated and yes I sent an email complaint! We were lucky enough to to find a place (that was already closed, but we walked in anyway) that had popsicles for sale. They were gross, but they were cold and the girls loved them.
The best part of the trip was the Gorilla Exhibit. There was a baby Gorilla there that stole all of our hearts. Miraculously while we were there, no one else was around. The girls were able to ohh and ahh over the baby gorilla for a good half hour. And that baby gorilla LOVED the girls. He kept going over to them and touching the glass and then would run back to it's Mama and then back to the girls. It was one of the best moments I have had with Jules. It was amazing! I wish I had better pictures, but the glare from the glass made it almost impossible to get a good pic of the baby. Regardless it made for a great memory. One that Jules is STILL talking about!
You can't really tell in this pic, but Julianna's mouth is about down to her knees. She just couldn't belive that the gorilla was coming right up to them and how stinkin' cute it was!
The gorilla particularly loved Maddie. It was unbelievable adorable!

Gorilla Love!
It was Grrrrrreat Trip! :)


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