I LOVE My Husband!!!!

Drew is a pretty sentimental guy and he loves to show me on my birthday. He is such a great husband and just gets me. So instead of just grabbing any card that has the words "Happy Birthday Wife" on it, he looks and looks for the perfect card or cards - usually I get 2 or 3 before the day is over.

Last night he gave me a card that was just perfect. It was simple, but just exactly what he knew I needed to read and needless to say - I was bawling at the end. He is just simply the best! I love you babe!

Once there was this guy.

A nice guy, really.

And he met this girl.

An incredible girl - truly amazing.

So naturally the guy falls

head over heels in love with her,

and pretty soon they are picking out

china patterns and rings

and there's a wedding

and the starry-eyed couple

rides off into what will surely

be a rosy future.

Okay, so now some time has passed

and the guy is living in that future.

He's still married to this girl,

but now their life includes a lot of stuff -

kids and appliances and bills and

loads of laundry and home repair projects.

But between all the to-dos and have tos,

there are these moments

when the guy stops for a minute

and looks around him.

He looks at his wife,

who is still truly amazing,

he looks at their life together,

all the ways and different

directions it has grown,

he looks at it all

the responsibilites he's got,

and he thinks to himself,

so, this is my life.

And then he thinks,

I am one helluva lucky guy.

Happy Birthday, I Love you!

You Make My Life Worth Living - I Love You, Drew

Simply the best.


Maggie said…
Way to go Drew! Great card, great husband...

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