Christmas Break fun stuff and not so fun stuff!
Took Jules to see Tangled. It was FINALLY at the theatre by our house in 2D. It was a great movie and she loved it! First movie she has sat all the way through. Didn't ask to go to the bathroom once and even chatted with us about her favorite parts afterwards. I would recommend this movie to all kids and parents too. It was awesome!
On Tuesday I went to work for a while and then headed back to the Dr. for my back. We took it easy that night and got the house cleaned and ready for Drew's brother who came back from Wyoming!!!
Jules and I headed out for a lunch date with Aunt Co Co. We met her at work and got to see her new desk and work area where she happily displayed her new mouse pad the girls gave her! After that we headed to Smashburger for lunch. After we dropped her back off at work, Jules and i headed to Children's Place to take advantage of their 30% off the entire store and use Julianna's gift cards. We scored some great deals!
We met Drew and Mary back at home and headed to Drew's dad's house to celebrate Christmas and to see Jeff and Carson!!!! It was SO good to see them and the girls quickly became Carson's shadow. Jules was so excited to spend time with her only cousin!

They all have the Stinson Blue eyes! Oh and they all chose milk over pop to have with dinner! Are we raising good kids or what?!!!

Carson - looks a little like Mary's twin. :)

Jules quickly fell in love with Carson. Carson wasn't so sure..... :)
Present Time!
New Paper Jamz Guitars!!! Thanks Uncle Jeff!

Seriously - Just what she wanted! A Tangled table and chair set that transforms into a Castle!

Carson loves Classic Rock just like his Uncle Drew!

Drew's gift from his dad - new shoes that hadn't come in yet. Bob found a clever way to tell him. Is he talented or what?!? I believe he whipped this up right before we came over!!

A new guitar for Uncle Jeff!!

He was thrilled!

We were able to get Dad just what he wanted - an encyclopedia about Rock and Roll!
It's Guitar time!

Let's break out the real thing!

Grandpa Stinson Jam Session!

Well this is how we spent most of Thursday. Jules got sick right after we got home on Wednesday night and as I post this, we are on day 5 of her illness (and no sleep). We rolled out of bed around noon and lazed around all day. Jeff and Carson came over in the afternoon and hung around for a bit. They took Mary to Incredible Pizza for the night and we took Jules to the ER. It was a long night. After giving her meds, doing x-rays and testing her for the flu, they diagnosed her with a virus and sent us on our way. I won't go into details, but she got sick when we got home and since I don't handle that part of parenting too well.....I got sick too. Poor Drew. He took care of Jules, while Mary took care of me. Ugh! Not fun!
We all slept until 2:00. That's right - 2:00! Jules wasn't any better. In fact she was getting worse and had a fever of over 104 degrees. We called the ER again and they said this was normal with her virus. Um, ok. Easy to say when it isn't your child!! Anyway, we did manage to have a fun day. Jeff and Carson came over and Drew and Mary took them bowling while I snuggled in with Jules for an afternoon of movies. Drew's dad came over that night and we played games and ate beef verde and rang in the new year while playing Apples to Apples! It was great fun and I am so glad we were able to spend time with Jeff and Carson!
This is the "I have been up half the day with a sick child - stop taking my picture" look. I call it "Sexy Exhaustion" :) There is one of me as well, but well no amount of money in the world would make me post it! :)
Mary doesn't mess around when it comes to Apples to Apples
Jules played too, by randomly putting in a card. Her card was chosen quite a few times and she actually beat Mary!
Carson had a blast!
After we rang in the new year, Jules and i headed to bed and I believe Mary and Carson stayed up until 5 a.m. watching scary movies and being kids! I remember those days!
Took Jules to see Tangled. It was FINALLY at the theatre by our house in 2D. It was a great movie and she loved it! First movie she has sat all the way through. Didn't ask to go to the bathroom once and even chatted with us about her favorite parts afterwards. I would recommend this movie to all kids and parents too. It was awesome!
On Tuesday I went to work for a while and then headed back to the Dr. for my back. We took it easy that night and got the house cleaned and ready for Drew's brother who came back from Wyoming!!!
Jules and I headed out for a lunch date with Aunt Co Co. We met her at work and got to see her new desk and work area where she happily displayed her new mouse pad the girls gave her! After that we headed to Smashburger for lunch. After we dropped her back off at work, Jules and i headed to Children's Place to take advantage of their 30% off the entire store and use Julianna's gift cards. We scored some great deals!
We met Drew and Mary back at home and headed to Drew's dad's house to celebrate Christmas and to see Jeff and Carson!!!! It was SO good to see them and the girls quickly became Carson's shadow. Jules was so excited to spend time with her only cousin!
They all have the Stinson Blue eyes! Oh and they all chose milk over pop to have with dinner! Are we raising good kids or what?!!!
Carson - looks a little like Mary's twin. :)
Carson loves Classic Rock just like his Uncle Drew!
Drew's gift from his dad - new shoes that hadn't come in yet. Bob found a clever way to tell him. Is he talented or what?!? I believe he whipped this up right before we came over!!
A new guitar for Uncle Jeff!!
He was thrilled!
We were able to get Dad just what he wanted - an encyclopedia about Rock and Roll!
Well this is how we spent most of Thursday. Jules got sick right after we got home on Wednesday night and as I post this, we are on day 5 of her illness (and no sleep). We rolled out of bed around noon and lazed around all day. Jeff and Carson came over in the afternoon and hung around for a bit. They took Mary to Incredible Pizza for the night and we took Jules to the ER. It was a long night. After giving her meds, doing x-rays and testing her for the flu, they diagnosed her with a virus and sent us on our way. I won't go into details, but she got sick when we got home and since I don't handle that part of parenting too well.....I got sick too. Poor Drew. He took care of Jules, while Mary took care of me. Ugh! Not fun!
We all slept until 2:00. That's right - 2:00! Jules wasn't any better. In fact she was getting worse and had a fever of over 104 degrees. We called the ER again and they said this was normal with her virus. Um, ok. Easy to say when it isn't your child!! Anyway, we did manage to have a fun day. Jeff and Carson came over and Drew and Mary took them bowling while I snuggled in with Jules for an afternoon of movies. Drew's dad came over that night and we played games and ate beef verde and rang in the new year while playing Apples to Apples! It was great fun and I am so glad we were able to spend time with Jeff and Carson!
Once again we weren't early risers, but we did get up in time to say goodbye to Jeff and Carson as they began their long trek back to Wyoming. We cleaned the house - again for the 100th time over break - and vegged out the rest of the day. I did get out for a bit and hit Walmart and Target. I do believe this is the first year in 10 years that I didn't hit any after Christmas sales. And I was o.k. with that. We received so much for Christmas, that i couldn't think of bringing one more thing into our house! Morgan and Amy came over that night. It was Morgan's 20th birthday and he wanted to spend it playing X-Box with Drew. I was fine with that and quickly retreated to our room to snuggle in with Jules again to watch movies!
Once again we weren't early risers, but we did get up in time to say goodbye to Jeff and Carson as they began their long trek back to Wyoming. We cleaned the house - again for the 100th time over break - and vegged out the rest of the day. I did get out for a bit and hit Walmart and Target. I do believe this is the first year in 10 years that I didn't hit any after Christmas sales. And I was o.k. with that. We received so much for Christmas, that i couldn't think of bringing one more thing into our house! Morgan and Amy came over that night. It was Morgan's 20th birthday and he wanted to spend it playing X-Box with Drew. I was fine with that and quickly retreated to our room to snuggle in with Jules again to watch movies!
I boo-hooed the whole day because I wasn't ready to return to work. We were both SO exhausted from being up with Jules. Drew took the brunt of it and slept with her, so I could get some sleep since I had to be to work on Monday. Other than a taste testing for a catering we are doing next month, we did nothing all day. I didn't even leave the house. Drew ran to the store for necessities, but other than that we laid low. Jules was still battling a fever and was pretty lethargic. It was a long day. She is going to our family Dr. on Tuesday. I am hoping she can give us a better answer as to what is going on with her. She has NEVER been this sick and we have been through 2 hospitalizations with her!
Anyway, it was a GREAT Christmas Break - other than this sickness and as usual went by WAY too fast.
Hope you all had a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Years!!!